That's all them good for...

Created by Andrew 2 years ago

I'm sure that we've all been there, watching TV with our parents when along comes a love scene, you're torn with whether you slyly change channels or strike up some diversionary conversation or just sit there and cringe waiting for your parents to say something about what's unfolding before your eyes..

Well, it didn't even have to be a love scene ro anything that involved more than a kiss, a kiss was all it took for mama to express her disgust at the TV, I always knew it was coming it was just a question as to whether the comment would be utterred before the dreadful kiss took place, "look at 'dem, that's all them good for..", to which I'd exclaim that it was only a kiss, ahhh, and why would I have to go and say that - the next utterance from mama would either be "turn over the TV...." or even worse, my being put into the same bracket as the kissing bad 'uns on TV, "you and 'dem".... 

Couldn't win either way, and every time it happened it was only going to turn out the way mama wanted it to. I've probably seen more movies half-way through than anyone on record. I was just watching a movie tonight and yes, there was a kissing scene in it and it brought me back to those evenings watching TV with mama and knowing that there was going to be some disapproval along the way..

Brings a smile to my face, as she always always mama..big kiss x  ;-)